Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nashville Does It Again!

I'm proud to be a Nashvillian. Not that I actually live in Nashville, but living in the metro area gives me the right to say that I am Nashvillian. Aside from being too far from the ocean, I actually love it here.

Nashville makes me proud because she's always evolving and changing, mostly for the better. Just recently, Forbes.com ranked Nashville as the fifth most affordable city to live in. To check this out, CLICK HERE. You'll find the article interesting.

And then, The Daily Beast ranked Nashville as the number 22 smartest city in America. Not too bad considering we compete with some major braniac cities around the nation. You can see the synopsis HERE.

Nashville is also the fourth real estate market most likely to appreciate, according to the Local Market Monitor. CLICK HERE to see the slide show. We've never had the major depression that other real estate markets have seen, but we have dropped a little. But we're on our way back.

Travel and Leisure magazine ranked Nashville one of America's favorite cities. We rank the friendliest city in the nation. Click this LINK to see the report.

According to a study done by Central Connecticut State University ranks Nashville as the 11th most literate city in the nation. Take a look at the top 20 HERE. This is a compliment considering Tennessee has had it's educational challenges.

Whether you live in Nashville or a suburb near it, we're all Nashvillians at heart.

If you need help with real estate, give Jack a call. He knows the market and the area.

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