Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tips for Buyers

In the current real estate climate, it's easy to assume something is a very small and unimportant detail, yet it's those small details that prevent buyers from buying houses and that causes sellers to get their hopes up for a sale.

Over the years, I've compiled a list of things that make buying a home much easier and stress-free for buyers, and I wanted to share those with you:

1 - Be transparent with your real estate agent. If you already own a home, but don't want to sell it to buy the next home, tell your agent what kind of loan you have on your current house. FHA does not allow buyers to own two FHA-backed homes at the same time.

2 - Use one of the mortgage lenders that your real estate agent recommends. That way, the agent is assured that the loan officer and bank are reputable, will be honest with the buyer up front, and will get the house closed.

3 - Follow the process that your agent provides. I have a 10-step plan that I utilize with ALL buyers that makes the home-buying process a stress-free and easy process. Both novice and experienced buyers love this process and have said it was the easiest way to buy a house.

4 - Insist that your loan officer be open and honest with your real estate agent. General protocol is that this happens, but occasionally you will run into a loan officer who declines to reveal anything to the agent. If there is a potential "glitch", then the agent needs to be able to ward that off ahead of time.

5 - Do not feel that you have to disclose personal information such as income, debt, or credit score. Agents do not need that information. All we need to know is the amount you can spend on a house, the down payment, closing cost needs, time frame to close, and if you have to sell your current home.

6 - Hire the agent who is helping you buy your home to help you sell your home. Those agents are much more motivated to get your home sold so your next purchase can close easily.

7 - Ask questions if you don't know the answers. If something doesn't seem logical to you, then ask your agent about it. The agent should be able to answer your questions or find the answers very quickly.

8 - Be patient and allow the process to take place. Sometimes buyers want to rush things or drag them out, but that's not necessary. Typically, it takes about 30 days to get a purchase closed, and with today's stringent rules, it may take a little longer.

9 - Trust your agent. Sometimes buyers think that the buying process should/could take longer than it should. If an agent suggests a deadline to you, then follow that deadline because there is a reason why that deadline was suggested.

10 - Relax. Purchasing a home can be stressful and challenging, but try to relax during this process. By allowing the agent to lead you through it, you can rest assured that things are being taken care of.

These are just ten suggestions that help buyers make a purchase. In our current culture, banks and the government have made the process a little more challenging. By hiring the right agent and learning to follow his advice, the process can go from challenging and stressful to joyful and relaxing.

Jack Jernigan is an agent who makes the home buying process an easy and stress-free one. Jack knows the market and how sellers think. For all of your real estate needs, give Jack a call at 615-373-3513 or contact him via email:

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nashville Does It Again!

I'm proud to be a Nashvillian. Not that I actually live in Nashville, but living in the metro area gives me the right to say that I am Nashvillian. Aside from being too far from the ocean, I actually love it here.

Nashville makes me proud because she's always evolving and changing, mostly for the better. Just recently, ranked Nashville as the fifth most affordable city to live in. To check this out, CLICK HERE. You'll find the article interesting.

And then, The Daily Beast ranked Nashville as the number 22 smartest city in America. Not too bad considering we compete with some major braniac cities around the nation. You can see the synopsis HERE.

Nashville is also the fourth real estate market most likely to appreciate, according to the Local Market Monitor. CLICK HERE to see the slide show. We've never had the major depression that other real estate markets have seen, but we have dropped a little. But we're on our way back.

Travel and Leisure magazine ranked Nashville one of America's favorite cities. We rank the friendliest city in the nation. Click this LINK to see the report.

According to a study done by Central Connecticut State University ranks Nashville as the 11th most literate city in the nation. Take a look at the top 20 HERE. This is a compliment considering Tennessee has had it's educational challenges.

Whether you live in Nashville or a suburb near it, we're all Nashvillians at heart.

If you need help with real estate, give Jack a call. He knows the market and the area.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Tennessee Ranks Up There

Site Selection magazine listed Tennessee as the SECOND BEST STATE in providing a climate to do business. North Carolina was #1. Not so bad for this mid-south state, which ranks low in education and high in divorces per capita. I'm thrilled that we excel at something worthwhile.

To read the article in The Tennessean, go to THIS LINK.

Trust your real estate needs to Jack Jernigan. Jack knows Middle Tennessee and keeps up with what's going on in the area to make your home purchase or sale a profitable one for you.

Thoughts About the Mid-Term Elections

Dear friends,

Our country is at a crucial crossroads and tomorrow will decide our future for the next many years.

Over the last several years we have bailed out banks and auto manufacturers, tried to bail out the housing industry, spent much more money than we could ever fathom in three lifetimes, and our Congress is at odds within itself, providing a very dim future for my children and grandchildren.

To be honest, very little of what has happened inside Washington beltway over the last few years has been productive. Americans are divided, Republicans and Democrats are blaming each other, people who want fiscal responsibility are getting a bad "rap", and nothing is being resolved.

American is not a perfect place, but after having personally seen destitute third-world countries where people have nothing, by comparison, we still live in the greatest country on this earth.

While I tend to be more far-right in my beliefs, the American people, in general, tend to be a little right of center. Our Congress no longer reflects the will of the people, so I am asking you, my friends, to vote tomorrow. Let's get America where she needs to be again by electing representatives who will guide us back toward where Americans stand.

Will everything ever be resolved? No. We are an imperfect people living in an imperfect country. But we can do our best. This is the time to vote, and then to make your thoughts and desires known to those who represent you.

When I lived in Davidson County, I contacted my congressional representative. That person was willing to meet with me privately, but was not willing to hold a town hall meeting to hear from the majority of his/her constituents. He/she said that no town hall meeting would be held because he/she wanted a "controlled environment". That tells me that the representative knew what the constituents wanted but was unwilling to hear us out. That representative voted in favor of a unpopular bill and now tries to uphold an image of a "friend of the people." That person is coming up for re-election and should be voted out.

The purpose of this letter is not to sway any of my friends to vote for a specific candidate, but it is to share that we DO NEED CHANGE! It is time to take a stand, America, and to take back our government. And if the ones we elect this time do not do the job, they need to be voted out the next time, too.

Until 2008, I was never an actively political man. However, after seeing the path that our country has taken, I firmly believe that ALL AMERICANS should take a stand for ourselves, our families, our homes, our jobs, our economy, and our freedom, as defined by the Constitution of the United States.


Jack Jernigan